The Benefits of Facial and Cranial Massage with Nutritive Oils Treatment

💫An Ancestral Technique from far away
Release your tension and balance your senses
Whether in the Far East or the East with Energetic and Therapeutic discoveries of traditional medicines; or in Greek and Roman antiquity with their famous baths, until now in the West with the beginning of Physiotherapy and its derivatives;
This massage opens the way to release tensions in your face and relieves certain organs.

The complete facial and cranial massage offers Birmingham to stimulate organs through the reflex zone solicitations which have a quick effect on the body.
Facial massage Birmingham provides wellbeing and relaxation to the face which is the part of the body the most exposed to external aggressions and pollution.
Cranial massage also works on energetic entries and exit doors, and are called "reflex zones" because stimulating them allows acting at distance on the whole body and mind.

Who is this massage for?
Everyone except:
- those with medical or surgical contraindications.
- those with venous circulation problems.
- those with blood clotting problem.
What are the benefits of this massage?
- stimulate nerves and organs such as digestive and respiratory organs
- delay signs of skin aging
- release stress
- relax tension
- provide relaxation and wellbeing
- chase sleep disorders
- relaxation
- prevent wrinkles and fine lines
- tone the skin
- remove tension in the nerves of the jawbone and delay skin aging.
- allow a very pleasant sensation that releases endorphins in the body, with antalgic properties which result to a general wellbeing, contentment, and happiness.
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